Below is a partial listing of Rotair Aerospace Corporation’ ability to supply your parts needs.
Please contact us if you’d like a quote on one of the listed parts. Also note that our capabilities are constantly expanding to meet customer demand — if you don’t see your part listed please contact us with your specific needs and we will do our best to meet your requirements.
Request for Quote — Parts Inquiry
HINT — Use the SHOW ONLY option to filter to list to just a grouping of parts. Select “Blackhawk” or the first portion of the part number. For the S-70/H-60 Aircraft please refer to this supplemental list.
Item Detail: MIL-T-8504 1/4 DIA.
<< Back to Item ListPart Number: MIL-T-8504 1/4 DIA.
Part Name: MIL-T-8504 1/4 DIA.
Description: TUBING- CRES 304- ANNEALED- .035 inch WALL.
You can also view our Parts Index.